The School for Business Alchemy


The School for Business Alchemy online programme is a completely different lens through which to see and understand your business. It provides a radical new approach to transforming businesses.

Instead of focusing on the outer machinations of your business, you will learn to explore the hidden internal dynamics of the organisation and the unseen blocks which are inhibiting growth.

This training equips graduates with a unique skill set to diagnose problems within a business and connect with and re-ignite the energy within, leading to improved performance. It is not about acquiring new facts and knowledge or learning new business jargon. It is about accessing new levels of intuition and inner knowing which transcend traditional business wisdom.

Experience has shown that where multiple users in one company participate in the programme the transformation is exponential.

This programme is for:

  • Leaders who are feeling frustrated that their business is not fulfilling its full potential.
  • Anyone looking to fly higher but unclear as to how to push through to the next level.
  • Those who have tried traditional methods for accelerating business growth without securing the desired results.
  • Leaders who are exhausted and fatigued by change overload.
  • Anyone who is willing to expand and embrace a new way of thinking.  

For further information, please visit:

The kinaesthetic learning element is a great way to fully participate in the course and the use of analogy is very helpful and allowed me to practically visualise the concepts making it easier to incorporate it into my psyche.

The School for Business Alchemy course was innovative, creative and intuitive.  Thank you for such a brilliant course, it is a gift!

This is a really refreshing way of presenting a course – it’s polished and user friendly and the reflective questions are great as they allow you to review what you’ve learnt.

I’m a big fan of the videos… Andrew is very ‘watchable’ and he comes across as genuinely wanting to help you. I like that there isn’t a ‘right’ answer – it’s your interpretation of your personal and business requirements and how to adapt them in a way that works for you.