
I can safely say, for starters, I am not the same person who came for my chat with Andrew in 2014. Now, I fill the space of me, I feel solid, but soft, determined but very flexible.  I feel whole, and proud, unafraid and joyous.  My compassion surprises me, it takes me over. I can’t stand by and not DO something.  I laugh more often, I cry and feel more deeply. I am so grateful to be me yet humble at all that I have experienced. I can stay silent and not speak my opinions, and allow others their voice, even when I KNOW I’m right!

My friendships are more authentic because I can speak up for myself yet not get tangled in the guilt of it. My family have become more important to me than ever before because I see how much we have learned together and how when I let go, and live my own life, they can breathe more easily, and learn to live their lives too.

Essentially, I have learned to love myself, warts and all.

I don’t know what you thought you were doing when you came up with this crazy idea, but if what has happened to me is anything to go by you can change the world, dear Andrew, one wizard at a time… Thank you, for all that you do and are.  You have given me a richness in my life I could never have imagined. I will be most grateful till the day I die.